Friday, May 14, 2010

Teacher Fired Over Student Beating Video - Alternative Thoughts

The big news today is about a teacher who is supposed to be sacked because she was a mother - or something like that.  Here's the lowdown about what happened a few days ago at the Jamie's House Charter School in Houston. Apparently, a teacher who has a mentally handicapped child had the courage to have her daughter put up a dance show for the school. As is the case with all public appearances, there were some of the children who laughed as she danced. And that was when all hell broke loose - something that has been captured by the cell phone camera of a student, which was in turn given to the school authorities, and which is now being held as the reason for the sacking of the teacher. While the populist media has decided to treat this as an open and shut case of teacher brutality, there are several aspects that they forget - or do not wish to touch upon.  Here are the reasons why I think people should look at this in a new light:
The Reason of the So Called 'Assault': 

 Ok, this was not about some teacher who lost it when she saw that one of her students hadn't done his homework or something. This was because a part of the students had laughed at her mentally ill daughter - at what might have been one of her first dance performances - it takes a lot to have one's child perform at a public appearance, and it takes a lot more to have a mentally child to garner the guts to dance at a school function.  I agree that the teacher should have been a teacher first and then a parent, but who of us have not have emotional surges and forgot common sense for a while?  

The Basic Loss of Human Emotions:   

Come to think of it, the teacher hit the student because he laughed when her daughter danced - and the other students were laughing when he was hit by the teacher. What we are combating here is not a scenario where the a teacher has hit a student for some personal reason, but are combating a scenario where a entire generation of kids are about to become laughing and jeering crowds whenever somebody is in an embarrassing position.  The laughs and the jibes can be heard in the background - something that has been so blatantly ignored by the media all around the world. 

Alternate Scenario:  

The entire world is raising a toast to the thought that they have once again succeeded in shielding the meek from the people in power who have been corrupted. And that is because the mother of the daughter took the task in her own hands and delivered some swift, justice-albeit a bit above the head. What if the jibing and the jeering had gone out of hand, what if the daughter had gone further into depression because of the jeering, or worse still, did something to herself. Would the boy who is giving staccatto statements to media hungry people today be treated as the fallen hero that he is today? 
    At the end of it all, I do not for a moment support what the teacher did. What I do not support is the action that the school is taking against the teacher and the daughter. What will happen of the teacher and the daughter now? What will the mother say to the daughter if she asks why she isn't around in the school any longer? Apparently the woman does have some aggression issues, how would the mother handle this situation?  How would the authorities handle this situation? This is a simple blogpost posted at my new blog. I know I cannot change the world for you, but whatever you name is, if you are reading this  - I understand what you went through.


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